Endianness(Big Endianess or Little Endianess)


In computer memory, Endianness is defined as the order or sequence of bytes of a word in digital data.

Endianess is represented as big Endian (BE) and little Endian(LE).

As English read from left to right and Arabic read from right to left.In similar way Endiness is for computers.

If my computer reads bytes from left to right, and another computer reads from right to left, we're going to have issues when we need to communicate. Endianness means that the bytes in computer memory are read in a certain order.

Big- Endianness:
It Stores the Most Significant bit(MSB) of the word at the smallest memory address and the least significant bit(LSB) of the word at the largest memory address.

Little- Endianness:
It Stores the Least Significant bit(LSB) of the word at the smallest memory address and the Most significant bit(MSB) of the word at the largest memory address.

For Example:
if there is a number 0x01234567 in Hex.

0x01 23 45 67

It's Big-endian :
67 45 23 01

It's little-endian:
01 23 45 67

Example of Little-Endian- Intel Based Processor, ARM Processor

Example of Big - Endian- Current generation ARM Processor, Motorola 68K processor,  PowerPC (by Motorola) and SPARK (by Sun) processors were big-endian.
